The other side

Den andra sidan
, 3rd year HDK
Latest Update 2022

There is an untapped opportunity to have better conversations. We are all aware of the fact of a growing polarization between social groups. How can design help improve the communication deficit that is separating two people? This project explores the negative patterns in a discussion, how these can be interrupted and improved with design tools. Specifically the project implements textile as the chosen medium. The project promotes human traits such as empathy, curiosity and vulnerability.

The design process evaluates functions through product-testing in workshop scenarios. Two sets of two people were given the same set of statements to which they answered yes or no. They met up and discussed the subjects, between them were 10 discussion tools, 1 tablecloth and one manual. Issues with functionality or unwanted outcomes were noted and improved upon. These discussion tools change the discussion structure, the design introduces new patterns that foster the human traits. “Let’s have a beer sometime”

Keywords: Hdk-valand, Design, Kandidatuppsats, Textil, diskussion, verktyg, empati, samtal, dialog, Åsikter, Polarisation, Tyngd, taktilitet.


Student project, 2nd year HDK,Collaboration with Jonsereds Gardens
Latest Update 2021

Collaboration between HDK and Jonsereds manor and gardens. We were assigned to create a play solution for children visiting the site.

The grounds is surrounded by forests, farms and rivers and my inspiration came fron the natural forces in the environment. My process of solving this was starting with what kind of experience i wanted to create. Learning, cultural exchange and curiosity was my focus. I created an instructing animation film for flying and creating kites. Kite flying is a classic game for children in middle eastern countries for instance. A big aspect of the project was making it available for children with different cultural backgrounds. I made the animation wordless and the adverts communicate in various languages I wanted to create an opportunity for an inclusive and developing type of play.

Keywords: Playground, Animation, Kite, child culture


Student project 2nd year
Sustainability course
Discussion pieces

My project has a vegan approach. My process of creating a project around the topic of sustainability begun by creating patterns applied to home items thatinvolve eating, drinking and hosting. Statistics of animal slaughter are represented in these patterns. 

I have made a packaging design for a new product, “Arla half and half”, a mix of breast milk and cow's milk. My project wants to raise the environmental and ethical discussion around food consumption, more specifically meat and dairy consumption. 

A challenge with veganism has always been the aggressive tone of vegan activists and I wanted to flip this to a funny more inviting conversation. I have conducted interviews, and trials with people and placed my product in real life situations. 

The product has a serious message about how we treat animals, and the absurdity of drinking another animal's breastmilk. I have the view that our eating habits are the main ways for consumers to influence their own effects on the planet and send a message to larger corporations what we want to change. 

This object is not a solution, it is a discussion piece, it raises the question of why we value ourselves higher than the animal's life, for something like taste or tradition. 

Keywords: Veganism, Discussion pieces, Milk, Packaging design, Activism


Illustrator /editor

Blandaren is a periodical that combine text, images and illustrations in comedic commentary, with an unrestrained graphic style. It is a collection of exclaimed opinions, thoughts och conversations. Founded in 1863, it has accumulated a plethora of commentary on swedish culture. My work is mainly with illustration for the magazine, I also work together with the editorial staff.

Keywords: Copywriting, layout, illustration, magazine


Student project
1st year HDK

This project was done my first year at HDK, we were prompted with the word travel. I chose to focus on the goodbye that is inevitable with travel and made handkerchiefs. The illustrations are based on different relationships in my life. Screen-printed on silk.

The process was exploring composition, color combinations, color overlays, and visual storytelling.

Keywords: Textile, Screenprint, Illustration


"Welcome back"
Student project 2nd year HDK
Collaboration with PR group

Hdk in collaboration with Riksarkivet in Gothenburg. Students in the class created videowalks with Riksarkivet's archive materials. The videowalks lead you around the city of Gothenburg. I created the website from the collection of their work. Together with my team in charge of making the PR campaign we established the visual identity and concept design for all communication for the exhibition. It’s made with webflow

The theme for the exhibition was "Portal", step into another time in Gothenburg. My focus was to make the website into a tool for the videowalks, it is mobile adapted, you need to bring your phone along to experience the walks fully. I also worked with icons communicating the set of necessary conditions for the walk. Stickers are used to create coharity through out the website and to separate the videos.

Keywords: Collaboration, Exhibition, website, PR, Identity.


Explorative assignment
2nd year HDK
70x100 cm


Organize! working masses
"Lubki-prints with simple graphics and text based on popular stories, used in homes and inns... grabs the publics eye and provoke their imagination".
With inspiration from soviet graphic designers such as Rodchenko and El Lisitskij I wanted to convert shapes and construction of the 2d field into something tactile and soft. Revolutionary messages translated to something far from the original. Tufted typography, appliqued, stuffed and embroidered in a poster format.

Keywords: Typography, Graphic design, Activism, Tufting, Soviet


Client project, Julia Fischler
Collaboration with photographers
Latest Update 2022

‍Julia Fischler
, singer, producer, up and comer from Stockholm Sweden. Dear friend and diva. I have been working with Julia for a couple of years, together finding a visual respresentation of her music which is a mix of slow love songs with jazz undertones. We are working on various communicating projects for her music, mainly cover art and press images.

Keywords: Freelance, Music, Album cover, Merchandise, Illustration, Typography, photoshop

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